Saturday, February 02, 2019

022 Multiple Choice Questions Test on "Anthropology"

Wherefrom have we come? Has God created us? Have we evolved on this Earth from Nature? These questions we do not bother to know, unless we are preparing for some College Examination or for some Recruitment Test. The time and resources we spend on our Gods and Goddesses, at least a part of it, if we can spend on Anthropology, probably, we may have greater enlightenment.

Here is a Multiple Choice Test on "Anthropological Topics". Answers can be clicked and reclicked online, and score can be checked and rechecked. If you have no time, you can see the answers by moving your mouse on the word 'mouse' at the end of each question.

1: ANTHROPOLOGY: I mitochondrial lineage (DN a`, is found in
a` S Americans b` Europeans c` Africans d` Asians --mouse to see ans.

a` dragon b` dinosaur c` wolf d` Royal hippo --mouse to see ans.

3: ANTHROPOLOGY: World's oldest human or humanlike foot prints were found at
a` Iraq b` Wynad, India c` Brazil d` Oldurai Gorge, Tanzania --mouse to see ans.

4: ANTHROPOLOGY: Mesolithic Age tools were made of _____
a` iron b` copper c` quartzite d` stone --mouse to see ans.

5: ANTHROPOLOGY: Cro-magnan Ice Ageman, was found in the country
a` Mesapotaemia b` France. c` China d` India --mouse to see ans.

6: Carbon dating technique, was invented by
a` Charles Lile, Britain b` Williard F Libi,USA c` Charles Darwin, Britain d` Mendel, Australia ANTHROPOLOGY: --mouse to see ans.

a` Cretaceous b` Jurassic c` Permian d` Triassic --mouse to see ans.

8: ANTHROPOLOGY: 70 lacs year old scull, was unearthed in the country
a` Kenya b` Chad c` Senegal d` Liberia --mouse to see ans.

9: ANTHROPOLOGY: Dr. Stephen Opeinheimer's research on the First Mother is based on:-
a` Mitochondria DNA research b` Study of tombs c` Carbon dating of bones d` Rebuilding of skull --mouse to see ans.

10: ANTHROPOLOGY: Time of human evolution- occured in which epoch of World History ?
a` Miocean b` Pleistocean c` Paleocean d` Oligocean --mouse to see ans.

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