Wednesday, July 06, 2011

20 Multiple Choice Queestions on Global GK

1.Find the oddman out:
abscess sore ulcer swab

2.Identify the synonym of 'strum':
thrum glide cruise float

3.AKROTIRI is a country in
Africa Asia Australia Europe

4.Country not making any territorial claim on Antarctica:
Australia New Zealand United Kingdom None of these

5.Hayasthan is another name for the country:
Algeria Armenia Honduras Sudan

6.How many members, does the European Monetary Union (EMU) have?:
15 16 17 18

7.C17H21NO4 refers to
cocaine hashish marijuana NOT

8.Belgium has a monarchy supported by
aristocracy army Parliament all

9.Country with highest percentage of children:
Chad China Monaco India

10.Mr. Obama is, for U.S., its:
Chief of State Head of the Government only President all

11.STANAG country codes are maintained by

12.Which of the following countries appears in the list of ADVANCED ECONOMIES used by IMF?
Malta China India Brazil

13.Which of the following countries is not a member of Arctic Council?
U.S. Canada U.K. Denmark

14.Which of the following is the oldest Organisation?
UNO World Bank BIS (Bank for International Settlements) EU

15.Which of the following was not a member of Big Seven economic countries group?
Australia Canada Italy Japan

16.Which of the following countries can be considered as the least urbanised European country?
Belgium Luxemburg Liechtenstein Norway

17.Allium Cepa is the botanical name of the common vegetable:
ladies' finger potato tomato onion

18.Find the oddman out:
boar badger pork hog

19.Which of the following is light-weight and used in aircraft parts?:
Germanium Helium Thorium Titanium

20.In the International business term C.I.F., the letter 'I' refers to
income tax insurance premium interest inland carriage


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